Wednesday 13 May 2015

Why Worry?

Sometimes I wonder why we worry so much, when there is really not much to worry about. Considering how we loot, lie and cheat, preach and spread false gospels, and live a life of moral bankruptcy, the only two things we should worry about, are either we are well or we are sick; physically, mentally and spiritually. If we are well, then there is nothing to worry about. But if we are sick, there are only two things to worry about. Either we shall get well or we shall die.

And if we get well, then there shall be nothing to worry about. But if we die there are only two things to worry about. Either we shall go to heaven, or we shall go to hell; complimented with whether there are really heaven and hell. And if we go to heaven, then there shall be nothing to worry about. But if we go to hell, we shall be so damn busy shaking hands, dining and wining with friends, we won't have time to worry.

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