Monday 11 December 2017

Some Random Facts_26

1. Testosterone evolved 500 million years ago, from estrogen.

2. Rapper B.O.B. has been a vocal proponent of the theory that claims the Earth is flat and started a crowds funding campaign to prove it.

3. King Sobhuza II of Swaziland, who died in 1982, had 70 wives, who gave him 210 children.

4. William Shatner sold his kidney stone for US$25,000, which paid for the building of a house by Habitat for Humanity.

5. The word ‘hundred' derives from ‘hundra' in Old Norse, which originally meant 120.

6. In 2013, Star Wars was dubbed in Navajo, making it the first major film to be dubbed in a Native American language.

7. The world's most expensive phone number was auctioned in Qatar: 666 6666, sold for £1.5 million.

8. "Video killed the radio star" was the best selling record in Australia for 27 years.

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