Warren Buffett once said, “The more you learn, the more you earn.” And
that is so true. Look at successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon
Musk, Oprah, Mark Cuban and any other highly successful humans. They are
successful because they use their time right. They are successful because they
are lifetime learners. They commit to learning new things every single day.
Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest humans on the planet, is famous for
reading more than 5 hours every day. Bill Gates reads one book per week. Mark
Cuban, 3 hours a day. Oprah, well, she’s just obsessed with books. Notice a
common theme here? Successful people never stop learning.
Think about this, “You have $86,400 to spend every single day, but when
the day is over the money disappears. You can’t get it back. Wouldn’t you try
to spend all of the money before it disappears? Wouldn’t you try to use it
wisely? Use it as best you could? The sad part is, we only have 86,400 seconds
in a day and most people take this time for granted. Most people let this time
disappear without a second thought. We never get this time back. We must use it
wisely! We must be productive. We must use our time to do things we enjoy, or
use it to set up our life; so we can spend our future doing more things we want
to do. Instead of wasting your time on meaningless things, use it to learn new
things. The time you spend playing video games or partying with your friends
will never come back. Once you use that time, it’s gone, forever. Use your time
wisely, read books. Study hard and learn as much as you can.”
Most people give up on their dreams because it gets too hard. A lot of
students stop chasing their dreams because of one failed test. Matter of fact
most students don’t even try their best when they take the test, because in
their minds, they have already failed the test. They stop believing in
themselves, and once the belief is killed the dream is killed. If you have a
dream, you must do everything to make it a reality. It doesn’t matter how many
times you fail a test. Never stop believing in yourself. Life itself is a test.
Sometimes you will fail. But the only way you can be a failure is if you stop
trying. Whatever your dream, use all your energy to make it into reality. Push
yourself to become the person you are destined to become.
If you want to get results you have never got before, you are going to
have to do things you have never done before! When Bill Gates was once asked,
“What superpower would you like to have?” He responded, “I would want the
ability to read books faster.” Success is not about the money, the fame, or a
big house; success is becoming the best version of yourself. You will fall down
many times on the road to success. The most important thing is that you get
back up. Get back up stronger and wiser than before. Create a mind-set that
does not allow you to quit or stop believing. If you quit on your dream and
give up, you will never know how great you can be. Never doubt yourself,
because doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Work on yourself every
single day! This is your life we are talking about!! Nothing is more
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