Saturday, 19 December 2015

Are We Zombies?

While entering the auditorium, I asked myself, “How will I get their immediate attention?” Then I remembered that I had a whistle in one of my pockets. So, I got out my whistle, blew it and pronto, all attention was on me. Thank you I said, and continued. “Now that I have your attention, may I have everyone standing?” Everyone got on their feet, not knowing what next to expect, from this uncanny speaker.

Then I said, “If a Zombie is to be defined as one without an independent mind or reasoning ability; and you won’t mind being referred to as a Zombie, please keep standing.” Everyone immediately sat down. And I laughed out loud but quickly apologized, because they didn’t seem to see the funny side of their actions. I know you too can’t wait to get my drift.

Late last month when I lost a very close and dear friend, I said to myself, “Oh my God, here we go again.” Here comes another, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” And I began to wonder all over again, “Why did the Lord give in the first place?” We have gullibly swallowed all foreign doctrines, hook, line, and sinker; and still claim not to be Zombies. And if we are not Zombies, how do we explain our inability to appreciate divergent opinions? Why do we know the history of other tribes, more than our own? And if we claim to have only one Creator, why do we have so many religions?

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