Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The Hard Wish

On their way to a dog show, a couple almost ran over a frog that hopped across the road. When the husband stopped, and went to check if the frog was hurt, the frog said, “Mister, I thank you for not hurting me. For this, I shall grant you one wish.” And the man said, “Very well, please make my dog win at the dog show.” The frog looked at the dog for a moment and said, “I think it is almost impossible to fulfill this wish. Please make another wish.”

The man thought for a moment, and then asked, "Well then, can you please help that my wife wins, the next beauty contest in the area? And when the frog asked to see his wife, the dog got back into the car, and his wife proudly stepped out. But with just one look at the wife, the frog asked, "Could I please have another look at the dog?"

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