When I sometimes wonder how we did it without radios,
televisions, Nintendo play stations, personal cell phones, personal computers,
or Internet chat rooms; I remember that we had parents. Yes, we had parents who
knew and had values, and proudly taught their children these values. They
taught both self-respect, and respect for others (their ages not withstanding).
They taught how and when to play, and had dignity in labour. They practiced and
impacted self-esteem, morality and contentment. Every parent knew where their
children were at any given time.
If you forgot your classmate’s pencil in your bag, it was
called stealing. They taught their children not to beg, borrow or steal; because,
nothing goes for nothing. Live within your means, they insisted. When a child
wore a new dress, the first question was, “Where did you get that from?” But today,
it is compliments, “You look good.” How can parents who live on immoral and
corrupt earnings, in order to finance their addictions in fashion and false
lifestyles, parent their children on morality, ethics and contentment? Charity
begins at home, remember?
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