Friday, 26 June 2015

Why Did They Want The Frog Sound?

 While three little boys were spending the weekend with their Grandparents, the oldest came out and asked his Grandpa, “Grand pappy, can you make a sound like a frog?” Unfortunately, Grandpa being in a kind of ill mood, responded, "No, I don't really want to make the sound of a frog now." So, the second little boy came out and asked, "Grandpa, will you please make a sound like a frog?" Grandpa again said, "No, not now. I don't really want to do that. I'm in a grumpy mood. Later, may be.”

Then the third little boy came out and pleaded, "Oh please, Grandpa. Please, please make a sound like a frog." And Grandpa asked, "Why do all of you boys want me to make a sound like a frog?" With a hopeful face, the little boy replied, "Well, Mom said that when you croak, we get to go to Disney World!"

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