Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Don’t Compromise Your Originality

Creation made you an original. You saw, perceived and did things, your own way. But your parents had their vision for your life, because they thought, they knew best. It never occurred to them that, making you a copy of someone else, can’t be better than the original you. And the urge in people trying to change you, never stopped.

Now your boss, spouse, church, mosque, friends and even the family next door, all have their ideas of how you should live your life. They all want to make you, a copy of themselves. What about your own originality? What about your own vision for your own life? What do you want? Why must you continue to live with the stress of their demands?

They have never and will never care for what you want or what is really good for you; because no one can tell, the way you feel at any given time. In trying to break you, they ask, “Who do you think you are?” But you don’t have to think who you are, because you know who you are, the original. Everything about you is uniquely you; including your looks, your feelings and your love. To compromise your originality, is to live a lie and at the risk of your well-being.

A brother said, “The shafts of mockery and sarcasm CANNOT pierce the Strong Amour of the Self Reliant Man. In fact, they can’t reach the "Invincible" Citadel of his honest heart to sting or wound it. Yes, the mundane, the uninformed and deformed may throw sharp arrows of irony upon the self-reliant man, but he will just laugh as the arrows are deflected by the "strong breast plate" of his confidence as it falls harmless about and around him.”

What makes a man a man, is not the apologetic views he offers, but his deep resonated conviction about the kind of life he wants to live.

No Great Man, Lives to Please Others with His Views, His Beliefs, His Convictions. Great Men, Men of Grace and Distinction Are Often Found Walking Alone. They Live in a World of Their Own, a World of Significance and Not of Pity, and Acquiescence. They Are Rules Breakers and Non Conformists.

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