While worry is typically defined in negative terms, some
level is not only normal, but actually helpful. If you lack the ability to
worry, you don’t earnestly seek for improvements/solutions. Worry therefore,
can be an alarm system and you need some level of it to be alive, healthy and
successful. It may direct your thoughts and actions into a positive direction.
There are times when worrying can help you solve, or even avoid problems. But
when the alarm goes off for no reason or the level stays too high for too long,
problems may arise
The trick is to see worry as your opportunity to put on your
thinking cap, and use your ability to worry, for the greater good. In other
words, when worry strikes, deal with it head on, or move on and let it go;
because it’s natural to worry, but no matter how much you worry, you may never
succeed in changing the final outcome. All that is required of you is to put in
your best at all times.
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