An individual needs sufficient amounts of certain vitamins,
minerals, protein and other nutrients to maintain a healthy body and physical
well-being. The Moringa leaves powder is an excellent source for many of these
nutrients and can be a valuable source for many people.
Moringa Leaves Powder Contains:-• 4 Times the Calcium of Milk.
• 4 Times the vitamin A of carrots.
• 7 Times the Vitamin C of oranges.
• 3 Times the Potassium of Bananas.
• Carbohydrates: Compounds heat and energy for the body and the primary fuel of the brain. Deficiency can cause the body to divert proteins and body fat to produce needed energy.
• Magnesium helps the body to maintain and repair cells while providing energy. Deficiencies can result in weakness, tiredness, vertigo, convulsions, nervousness, cramps and heart palpitations
• Fat is the most concentrated form of energy for the body and while excessive amounts can be damaging, some body fat is essential for insulation under the skin and protection of vital organs. It is also an important supply of energy for the body during times of famine.
• Fiber aids in digestion and is an important part of a healthy intestinal tract.
• Proteins are the “building blocks of life” and instrumental in the creation and maintenance of body muscle. There are 21 amino acids utilized by the body and although the body is able to manufacture most that it needs, there are several amino acids that must be acquired from a person’s diet. These “essential” amino acids are listed in the chart above (argentine, histidine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, valine). Usually, only animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy contain all of the essential amino acids. Amazingly, Moringa leaves also contain them all.
• Magnesium helps the body to maintain and repair cells while providing energy. Deficiencies can result in weakness, tiredness, vertigo, convulsions, nervousness, cramps and heart palpitations
• Calcium is very important during the childhood years, calcium builds strong bones and teeth and assists in blood clotting. Deficiencies are common in pregnant and breastfeeding women and can cause rickets, bone pain and muscle weakness. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth, and helps prevent osteoporosis. Milk provides a lot of calcium, but Moringa leaves provide even more. 4 times the Calcium of Milk.
• Vitamin A acts as a shield against diseases of the eyes, skin and heart, diarrhea, and many other ailments. Carrots are very high in vitamin A, but Moringa leaves are even higher. 4 times the vitamin A of carrots.
• Vitamin C strengthens our immune system and fights infectious diseases including colds and flu. Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are full of vitamin C. Moringa leaves have even more. 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges.
• Potassium is essential for the brain and nerves. Bananas are the excellent source of potassium. Moringa leaves are even better. 3 times the Potassium of Bananas.
• Proteins are the “building blocks of life” and instrumental in the creation and maintenance of body muscle. There are 21 amino acids utilized by the body and although the body is able to manufacture most that it needs, there are several amino acids that must be acquired from a person’s diet. These “essential” amino acids are listed in the chart above (argentine, histidine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylanaline, methionine, thereonine, leucine, isoleucine, valine). Usually, only animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy contain all of the essential amino acids. Amazingly, Moringa leaves also contain them all.
Moringa Leaves Powder - Small Dosage, Large Effect
A dosage of just two or three spoonful of Moringa leaves
powder provides a substantial amount of most people's iron, calcium, vitamin A,
and vitamin C. Especially important – a dosage of Moringa leaves powder
delivers food-based nutrients which are proven to have far higher levels of
resorption by the body than traditional multi-vitamin pills. This means a
moderate daily dose of Moringa leaves powder provides you with a healthy amount
of daily nutrients that your body can use with maximum efficiency.
Moringa leaves powder can be added to any food or beverage
and it will increase the vitamin, mineral and protein content. For healthy
individuals, a few spoon full of Moringa leaves powder can be added to any meal
to make it more nutritious. Since the nutrient content of Moringa leaves powder
decreases if exposed to heat, add the powder after the food or drink has been
prepared, just before serving. Moringa leaves powder has the greatest impact on
those who are more vulnerable: malnourished children, pregnant or lactating
women, children at weaning age and the elderly. Malnourished children ages 1-3
years should consume three rounded tablespoons of Moringa leaves powder each
day. Pregnant or lactating women should consume six rounded tablespoons of
Moringa leaves powder each day.
Moringa leaves powder has been clinically proven to increase
the production of breast milk whether it is consumed before or after the birth
of a baby. Mothers who took Moringa leaves powder were shown to produce more
than 2x the amount of breast milk than those who didn't. We all know
instinctively that breast milk is the ultimate food prescribed by nature for
the infant child and Moringa leaves powder can be instrumental in helping
mothers produce more of this precious food.
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