Monday, 25 August 2014

Farrakhan Defends Nigeria

After I had posted my, “Why Are We So Gullible” article yesterday, a brother sent me a video through my WhatsApp titled, “Farrakhan Won’t Kiss Caucasians Assess And Cater To Their Bloated Egos.” In the video, the interviewer, a Caucasian of course, started by saying, “… Nigeria could be the most corrupt nation in the world…” And pronto, Farrakhan jumped to our defense, with all smoking guns. You need to watch the video.

The way Farrakhan, admirably jumped to our defense, was reminiscent of our lawmakers defending their failed governance; the only difference being in the fact that the interviewer is correct. While I admired Farrakhan’s zeal, I didn’t buy his defense, because the interviewer wasn’t saying anything new. Who in the Committee of Nations, doesn’t know how corrupt, Nigeria is? I am sure Farrakhan and his kind, must be feeling pretty proud for defending their evil Nigerian brothers and sisters, at the expense of our suffering and dying masses.
How can these devil’s advocates, be so shamelessly wicked. How can any sane individual, shamelessly defend an open-secret? Who doesn’t know our treasury looters, ritualists, religious miss-leaders and terrorists? Who doesn’t know that our religious miss-leaders receive stolen monies and dedicate properties, acquired with looted funds? Who doesn’t know that we are more gullible than gullibility, itself? Who doesn’t know that we claim to be more religious than religion, itself? We even claim to know more about Jesus and Muhammad, than the Jews and Arabs, do. Who doesn’t know that ‘products of corruption,’ can’t fight corruption? Why are we paying lip-service to finding solutions, instead of going back to our roots to seek, original solutions?

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