Sunday, 5 March 2017

Slap Yourself

The other day when one of our celebrity ladies revealed that she had invested so much money, time and energy to make us believe she had the best husband and life, we were all stunned. And that the luxury cars, jewelleries, vacations, birthday parties and clothes were all lies; that he never bought her anything, that she was just putting up a show to upgrade him.

Ever since, I haven't stopped imagining how many people felt less of them-selves after watching the euphoria. How many marriages and relationships have been wrecked because, some of us got mad that our partners were not doing enough. If you were one of them, take a minute and Slap Yourself!

If some girl you know just had a flamboyant wedding and while she is feeling miserable that it was all her money, with little or no support from her husband; and you're also feeling miserable because your wedding was nothing compared to hers, despite your husband's total support, “Slap Yourself!”

If some people are living in bigger houses than yours and while they can't sleep at night because EFCC or the bank might just show up, park them out and grab their collateral; and you too can't sleep at night because you feel they are better off than you, “Slap Yourself!”

If your friends have their children in the most expensive schools and while they are dying of hypertension over school fees; and you're having same health challenges because you can't take your mind off the fact that, you can't afford that school for your kids, “Slap Yourself!”

If your friends sleep around, loan and steal money from their offices, to fund their annual vacations and while they are restless during the entire vacation, because a huge debt or query awaits them; and you're also restless when you see their vacation pictures on social media, “Slap Yourself!”

If all your friends are married or in relationships, and while they have lost their self-esteem because they settled for less than they deserved; and you've lost same too, because you feel they're more deserving, “Slap Yourself!”

If they won't stop posting pictures of their designer clothes, hair, shoes, bags and jewelleries and while they have slept with half the men and women in town, running and hiding from creditors; and you're running and hiding too, because you feel you're not presentable, “Slap Yourself!”

Things do not always appear the way they are. Never lose a wink of sleep on what you see on social media. You'll never know the length people go to paint a happy and successful picture. Quit allowing yourself to suffer their predicaments, by buying into their lies. And even if they were true, focus on your own life. Have a dream of your own, and work towards it. Everything you need will come to you at your own time. Everyone's timing is not the same. Slow and steady wins the race. If you rush in, you may be rushed out! Most of the very rich, happy and successful people like, Bill Gates, Mark Zuck, Oprah Winfrey and Dangote, don't flaunt it on social media because they know who they are, and don't seek your validation. So tell me, how many times did you “Slap Yourself?”

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