Welcome back to our discussion of, “Life Is All About Happiness. Yes, life is all about happiness. Though life is a miracle, life is still simple and enjoyable right from creation, through copulation and beyond; if you know how to live with the terms of nature. To begin to really appreciate the simple nature of life and its attendant happiness, one must appreciate how indebted one is to other people and plants. So before you mount your high horse with a chip on your shoulders, remember how indebted you have been to other people and plants, even before you were born; and will continue to be. So like the saying goes, “Man know thyself, and to thyself be true.”
A man who knows himself can step outside himself and watch his own reactions like an observer. And instead of wasting your energy in proving anyone wrong, you should gainfully use same in proving yourself right. Instead of competing against others, compete against yourself to make sure that you are better than your previous self and better than you were yesterday. Chanel your energy into making sure that you are growing every day; that you are developing by learning new things taking advantage of all new experiences. You will begin to appreciate that life is not about being perfect, but being happy; though not all the time, but every time you can. See you in Part Three.
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