Saturday, 14 January 2017

A Witch Doctor’s Dilemma

When a neighbour’s critical illness took a nose dive last night, I decided to play the Good Samaritan by inviting a popular witch doctor to the rescue. After the witch doctor had done his thing, he said, “This is a very serious case that can’t be cured, but the illness can be transferred to another person; who will die in the neighbour’s place.” And the neighbour accepted. So the witch doctor worked on him and before leaving instructed, “It is done. As I leave, if anyone opens the door you must say tchaa. And your illness will be transferred to that person, who will go home and die in your place.”
 After the witch doctor had left, and while the neighbour was impatiently waiting for the first unlucky person to open the door so as to say 'tchaa', and transfer his terminal illness and be cured, the witch doctor suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to collect his fees. Though he realized the attendant danger, he still decided to take a chance and go for his fees. As soon as he opened the door, the neighbour said, 'tchaa', and the witch doctor replied with 'retchaa'. And the neighbour said 'reretchaa', and the witch doctor replied with 'rereretchaa'. And as of this morning, the neighbourhood is being entertained with the exchange of ‘rererererereretchaa'.

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