Fellow members, now that we have Talked the Talk, here comes the time
to Walk the Walk. We can’t start to Walk the Walk, until we have removed the logs in our eyes, that we may see clearly to remove
the specks in our neighbours’ eyes. And these logs are our Greed, Corruption,
Shamelessness and Heartlessness. Like my brother Solomon said, “There is
nothing new under the sun; it is only old things happening to new people.” The
beauty of our situation lies in the fact that we have all the funds with which
to revamp our economy. And it is sitting all around us. All we need is the
balls to gather the funds, and judiciously use same to revamp our economy. So
fellow members, it is no use continuing to deny how religiously ignorant
we are, how corrupt we have been or how much we have looted and carted away;
because all these have been facilitated by some unfortunate employees, friends
and or relatives.
Over the years, we have all had that the
unfortunate sober moments when you go to receive a
friend/relative/colleague who have earlier joyfully flown abroad in first
class, but now being delivered to you as cargo. And the other moments before a
coffin is covered, when you look at the corpse and don’t see it wearing that
one-in-town expensive wedding ring, the diamond rimmed gold wrist watch and
ostrich leather shoes. And suddenly, you remember that neither you nor members
of his or her family know some of his or her bank accounts. Though you have
always mouthed the fact naked you were born, and you can’t take anything with
you; you realize how much you have failed to live it.
So now that we have seen, done and enjoyed it
all, here comes the time to kill and bury our Greed, Corruption, Shamelessness
and heartlessness that we may be born in Contentment. Let us appreciate that it
will be better for us to clean up ourselves, rather than allow others to come
and forcefully clean us up. We know that our salaries and allowances don’t make
sense in any sane economy. So let’s review our salaries and allowances, stop
receiving pensions while being gainfully employed and refund all stolen and
looted funds, and their products in property and cash, both at home and abroad.
Why should we receive extra pay for serving pay for serving on certain
committees, when we are still working within our same 24 hour day? When all these
changes would have been done, we shall then have the moral justification to
start cleaning up the society, and proudly welcome The Change We Need. In Part
Two we shall say, “Now, put your money where your mouth is.”