“I am sorry!” Is a short but mighty sentence! Many people have gone to an early grave because they either forgot or neglected the therapeutic power of, “I am sorry.” So if you wish to live a long and happy life, don't joke with the therapeutic power of, “I am sorry.” Most of the troubles in most homes are heightened because many wives feel too big to say, “I am sorry,” to their husbands. And you can trust the ego of many husbands, preventing them to say, “I am sorry,” to their wives. So quarrels linger between spouses, family and friends because no party wants to say, “I am sorry.” Each party feels, says or asks, “Why should I be the first to say, I am sorry?” He or she would beat his or her chest and utter the ego phrase, “A whole me!”
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the part of the world where saying, “I am sorry,” is a hard nut to crack while curses are easily unleashed. Welcome to the part of the world where people refer to a person who says, “I am sorry,” in a midst of a rift as a weaker sex, one who is not man enough, or one who is foolish. Welcome to our world, where saying, “I am sorry,” is tougher than forcing a donkey, through the eye of a needle. We have all been guilty at one time or the other. We have lost valuable assets, money and even lives because of our inability to use this simple, affordable and therapeutic sentence, “I am sorry.” It is simple! It only costs a simple breath of speech!!
Domestic and community violence is less pronounced in some other parts of the world, because they appreciate the efficacy of saying, “I am sorry.” Their leaders use it, their parents use it, their children use t, their families use it, their spouses use it, their friends use it, their neighbours use it and their communities use it. And life goes on fine. Let us cultivate the habit of saying, “I am sorry.” It isn’t as difficult as you think. So my brothers, sisters and friends and starting from me; if I have knowingly or unknowingly offended you in one way or the other, I hereby say, “I am sorry!” Have a blessed day.
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