Sunday, 11 December 2016

Check Your Birth Month _ May - August

May Born:
*Stubborn and hard-hearted. *Strong-willed and highly motivated. *Sharp thoughts. *Easily angered. *Attracts others and loves attention. *Deep feelings. *Beautiful physically and mentally. *Firm standpoint. *Needs no motivation. *Shy towards opposite sex. *Easily consoled. *Systematic (left brain). *Loves to dream. *Strong clairvoyance. *Understanding. *Sickness usually in the ear and neck. *Good imagination. *Good physical. *Weak breathing. *Loves literature and the arts. *Loves travelling. *Dislike being at home. *Restless. *Not having many children. *Hardworking. *High spirited.
June Born:
*The best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. *Love to make new friends and outgoing. *A great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner. *Wicked. *Hottie. *More than likely have a massive record collection. *Have a great choice in films. *May one day become a famous actor/actress. *Have got the looks for it.
July Born:
*Fun to be with. *Secretive. *Difficult to fathom and to be understood. *Quiet unless excited or tensed. *Takes pride in oneself. *Has reputation. *Easily consoled. *Honest. *Concerned about other people's feelings. *Tactful. *Friendly. *Approachable. *Emotional, temperamental and unpredictable. *Easily hurt. *Witty and sparkly. *Snazzy at times. *Not revengeful. *Forgiving but never forgets. *Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. *Guides others physically and mentally. *Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. *Caring and loving. *Treats others equally. *Strong sense of sympathy. *Wary and sharp. *Judges people through observations. *Hardworking. *No difficulties in studying. *Loves to be with friends. *Always broods about the past and old friends. *Waits for friends. *Never looks for friends. *Not aggressive unless provoked. *Loves to be loved. *Easily hurt and takes long to recover.
August Born:
*Outgoing personality. *Takes risks. *Feeds on attention. *No self control. *Kind hearted. *Self confident. *Loud and boisterous. *Very revengeful. *Easy to get along with and talk to. *Has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. *Likes talking and singing. *Loves music. *A daydreamer. *Easily distracted. *Hates not being trusted. *Big imagination. *Loves to be loved. *Hates studying. *In need of "that someone". *Longs for freedom. *Rebellious when withheld or restricted. *Lives by "no pain no gain". *Caring. *Always a suspect. *Playful. *Mysterious. *Charming or beautiful to everyone. *Stubborn. *Curious. *Independent. *Strong willed. *A fighter.

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