Saturday, 10 December 2016

Some Random Facts_3

1.       In 2010, Utah executed an inmate by using a firing squad.
2.       In 2015, a German man celebrated his birthday for 46 hours, the longest birthday ever, by travelling across time zones.
3.       Some offshore dolphins were found with deep-sea fishes in their stomachs. This evidence suggests that offshore dolphins may dive to more than 500 m (1,600 ft).
4.       Unlike most fish, seahorses are covered in bony plates instead of scales.
5.       It takes about 0.2 seconds for your brain to recognize something touching your hand or foot.
6.       In 2004, a woman tried to use a fake million dollar bill to buy US$1,675 worth of merchandise at Wal-Mart and expected US$998,325 in change.
7.       The surname Beethoven meant “beet garden” in Dutch.
8.       In 2010, a Chicago Theatre company presented a version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" in Klingon language and a Klingon setting.
9.       Houdini drew on his arsenal of magician's tricks to provide special instructions to American troops during WWI.
10.   In 1945, an airplane crashed into the Empire State Building. When rescuers attempted to rescue an elevator operator, the cable snapped, plunging her 75 stories down. She survived and still holds the record for longest survived elevator fall.
11.   Jack Kerouac typed his novel "On the Road" on a 120-foot roll of paper in 3 weeks.

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