Monday, 8 January 2018

Some Random Facts_30

1. Termites may be small in size, but they fart more than any other creature. Camels come a close second, followed by zebras and cattle.

2. In 1985, Neil Armstrong and Edmund Hilary went to the North Pole together.

3. Director Guillermo del Toro owns a house called 'Bleak House' in which there's a room with a never ending rainstorm projected onto all windows and audio to match. He often uses this room to write.

4. In China, 171,000 people perished in 1975 due to the collapse of the Banqiao Dam, an event hidden from the world until 2005.

5. HDMI licensed manufacturers pay an annual fee of US$10,000 plus a royalty rate of $0.15 per cable, reduced to $0.05 if the HDMI logo is used.

6. In France, it is illegal to to publish photographs of handcuffed suspects, as they are not to appear guilty until proven so.

7. Oklahoma's 2016 Teacher of the Year moved to Texas in 2017 for a higher salary.

8. Netflix show 'Black Mirror' derives its name from the reflection you see in a switched off screen or monitor

9. Finland is the only country in the developed world where fathers of primary school age children spend more time with their children than mothers.

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