Tuesday, 31 October 2017

On Alcohol And Lifespan

It's one of those medical anomalies that nobody can really explain: Longitudinal studies have consistently shown that people who don't consume any alcohol at all tend to die before people who do. At first glance, this makes little sense. Why would ingesting a psychoactive toxin that increases our risk of cancer, dementia and liver disease lengthen our lifespan?

Well, the anomaly has just gotten more anomalous: A new study, published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, followed 1,824 participants between the ages of 55 and 65. Once again, the researchers found that abstaining from alcohol increases the risk of dying, even when you exclude former alcoholics who have now quit. The thinking is that ex-drinkers might distort the data, since they've already pickled their organs.

While 69 percent of the abstainers died during the 20-year time span of the study, only 41 percent of moderate drinkers passed away. Moderate drinkers were also 23 percent less likely to die than light drinkers. But here's the really weird data point: Heavy drinkers also live longer than abstainers. Only 61 percent of heavy drinkers died during the study. In other words, consuming disturbingly large amounts of alcohol seems to be better than drinking none at all.


Quote Of The Day

You have not failed until you have stopped trying, and not defeated except from within yourself; for there are really no insurmountable barriers, except your own inherent weakness of purpose.

May we be granted the grace to appreciate that we may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.


Monday, 30 October 2017

Why I Love Text Chatting

The other day when a brother asked me, "Why do you love to text chat on the internet so much?" I simply smiled and said, "First of all, it is less expensive and when your chat mate becomes overbearingly boring, you simply log off and blame it on the network later. And second of all, it is therapeutic, especially on those occasions when you are spared the agony of looking at any chat mate in the face when they put a foot in the mouth; like the other day when I told a lady that I was a farmer and have a Plantain plantation, and she said her father was also a farmer and has a Yam yamation, and a Cassava cassavation."


Sunday, 29 October 2017

Talking Your Way Out Of Some Sticky Situations_Part Three

Distraction is one of the most powerful tools to get out of a tricky situation and one of the easiest to implement; which some very powerful politicians use with great expertise. And you don't have to be a skilled motivator or even an experienced debater. All that you need is a creative thought process, so that you can distract a person whose name you forgot or a discussion with a loved one that you don't want to get into.

Though some sticky situations like when you accidentally put your foot in your mouth by suggesting that someone was pregnant (but wasn't), or telling someone you thought they were 50 years old, when they were only 40 can be difficult to recover from, you can always think one step ahead and with a "distraction plan" in bird's eye view, you'll be able to talk your way out of an insensitive comment within minutes.

If you forgot someone's name and realize this just as they come up to greet you, head right into a compliment by replacing the typical greeting of, "Hi, (name) so nice to see you," with commenting with enthusiasm on her beautiful top, skirt or purse. Distraction is a wonderful way to develop a plan B, and without insulting or harming your relationship with them in the process.

It doesn't matter if you face a sticky situation at work, at home or in the company of a stranger that you just met. With some planning ahead and creative problem solving, you can become a master talker and just when you need the skill most.


Saturday, 28 October 2017

Talking Your Way Out Of Some Sticky Situations_Part Two

Considering that every social event holds the risk of turning into a sticky situation, you should be outcomes focussed because you can't prevent the occasional differences of opinions which may offend someone from time to time. So, focus on your goal and talk with an outcomes focused frame of reference. For example, if you're at a work party and you're speaking to a group of coworkers and subordinates, a "touchy" subject can easily occur.

Although you're at a party, you're still in a work environment, which means you should have your guard up, don't reveal too much about your personal life, but be professional. And if a coworker confronts you in a social event, or even at the office during the work week, avoid a sticky situation by reverting your attention to the larger goal.

Let's say that she was upset that you bounced a good idea off of her original idea, which has scored you big with boss. Unfortunately, your coworker claims that you "stole" her idea and you wouldn't have gotten ahead in today's meeting if it wasn't for her. You should handle this career "hot potato," by quickly focusing on a positive outcome. Don't react and add "fuel to the fire," which will cause future hostile interactions between your coworker and yourself.

Instead of playing the "blame game," which involves blaming the other person for what he or she didn't do and is one of the worst persuasion tactics out there that won't get you far, you should redirect the conversation to something flattering, and suggest opening up an opportunity in the near future for the two of you to jaw jaw and come up with a killer idea to present to your boss together.

And you would have effectively shocked her with your positive suggestion to merge together and both earn credit for a job well done, and also shown her that you aren't like everyone else and that you are a true team player.


Friday, 27 October 2017

Talking Your Way Out Of Some Sticky Situations_Part One

Since we are all egocentric by nature and without which we couldn't survive as a species, we have got to always Think One Step Ahead. So think how stepping outside of yourself and putting yourself in someone else's shoes can help you become a winner in a sticky situation.

For example, if you found yourself unable to remember what today's date signifies (after your spouse has made it clear it is, in fact, an important day), but you know that should you guess wrong, you'll upset your partner, try not saying anything at all. Sometimes, the best way to get out of a sticky situation is by exuding more mystery and less talk.

This will give you a way to buy some time and allow your partner think that you know what the important date is or what the answer to the important question may be. You're not lying, and you're not misleading your partner either. Instead, you're allowing yourself to use your body language to eliminate disagreement over a hot topic.


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Thought Of The Day

Perhaps the surest way to find happiness and joy for yourself is to devote your energies toward making someone else happy. If you make an effort to search for joy you will find it elusive, largely because you will become engaged in the search itself. Your life will be about striving. However, if you try to bring happiness to someone else then joy will come to you.

You came into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing. The only thing you can do with your life is to give it away. This is the true essence of feeling purposeful. This is the way to have joy in the face of sadness. You experience joy when you attempt to bring it to others. And this is what Saint Francis understood to be the goal of life.

May we be granted the grace not to so much seek to be consoled as to console, not to so much seek to be understood as to understand, and not to so much seek to be loved as to love.


Some Practical Ways To Deal With Worry

Worry being a feeling or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems; and considering that most of the things that we worry about may never happen, we should learn to apply the following practical ways in dealing with worries.

1. Question: Do you have a problem in your life?
    Answer: No.
    Solution: Then why worry?
2. Question: Do you have a problem in your life?
    Answer: Yes
    Question: Can you do something about it?
    Answer: Yes.
    Solution: Then why worry?
3. Question: Do you have a problem in your life?
    Answer: Yes
    Question: Can you do something about it?
    Answer: No.
    Solution: Then why worry?

May we be granted the grace to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Our Fresh Opportunity

A brother was accustomed to saying, "I love our religious rituals of weekly confessions; that gives me the opportunity to wipe out the slate, and begin again." And you would agree and say fair enough, yes? But how well was the repentance factor? Were there any lessons learned? And were there any genuine commitments to avoid similar misdeeds?

So as we celebrate our daily gift of a new morning, and the opportunity to wipe out the misdeeds of yesterday from our slates, may we be granted the grace and ability to learn from our misdeeds of yesterday, and the courage to abhor greed, dishonesty and ingratitude.


Monday, 23 October 2017

Watch What You Eat

Late this morning when I sheepishly and absent mindedly answered my phone with a most unusual salutation, my caller asked alarmingly, "What on earth is the matter with you this morning? And what are you still doing in bed at this time of a beautiful Monday morning? Wrong way to enter a new week, yes?"

And grudgingly but without knowing who to really begrudge under the circumstance, I said, "After having a sumptuous dinner at friend's house last night, it suddenly dawned on me that  his wife  served us plenty of meat, while their kids had only slices of onions and tomatoes on their food. So I asked why we had that amount of meat while their kids had none. And he responded, 'What should we do, when they say they won't eat dog meat?'"

In a flash my dearly departed father bless his soul, appeared, looked at me pitifully and said, "But I told you that your stomach has no key. So you should always be mindful of what you put in, because you can't open and take out any wrong stuff." I virtually flew all the way home, then almost pushed my whole fist down my throat and vomited till the early hours of this morning.


Sunday, 22 October 2017

On Love

Love comes to those who still hope although they have been disappointed, to those who still believe although they have been betrayed, to those who still need to love although they have been hurt before and to those who have the COURAGE and FAITH to build TRUST again.

May we be granted the COURAGE and FAITH to build TRUST always!


Saturday, 21 October 2017

Our Ever Confusing World

Why is it that the older we get, the more confused we seem to get? They said, "And God said, let us make man in our own image and likeness!" And they supposedly did, yes? But my question has always and will continue to be, "Which man of which nation did they make in their own image and likeness?" Since I am so sold on the belief that they are Almighty, All knowing and Benevolent Gods, I keep finding it difficult to believe that the same Gods, made the humble, intelligent and caring men of other nations, and my ignorant, arrogant, shameless and heartless men.

And every time I watch audience after audience applaud different speakers who incidentally had just talked down on them by analyzing their ills, I wonder if I have lost it. Then I ask, "Why are these Heartless and Shameless people clapping for what has just entered one ear and lost through the other ear?" May we be granted the grace to find answers to our problems!


Friday, 20 October 2017

On Opportunities

The world is full of great opportunities, though many are brilliantly disguised as impossibilities; seek out and disrobe just one, and the world will become your Oyster.


Thursday, 19 October 2017

I'm Still Studying You

While still in the restaurant and after paying their dinner bill, the guy asked his date, "May we go to my place for a drink or two?" His date replied, "I wish I could, but I can't follow you to your place! I'm still studying you!!" And the guy exclaimed, "What! Did you study the food you just had, before eating?"


Tuesday, 17 October 2017

On Achievement

While you achieve the good things with your beliefs, and the better things with your patience, you achieve the best things when you never give up.


Monday, 16 October 2017

Some Wife's Guides To A Happy Marriage

Mrs. Martha De Purenez, aged 104 and in marriage for 82 years said, "I know that young ladies will never agree with me, but whoever will implement these shall be the happiest of all and shall make a nice home; unless otherwise."

1.  The husband is always right

2.  The husband is always the master of the family even if he has no job and NO MONEY

3.  The wife must ask for permission from the husband before going to bed if the husband isn't yet in bed, as well as before turning her face away from him on the bed. The husband is still the master and has full control on all the operations even in bed

4.  If there is a quarrel with the husband and then a visitor comes, the wife should smile as if nothing happened

5. Anytime the wife thinks she is right in a matter, she should refer herself to Article number 1

6.   A good wife must go to bed in her nightdress with no panties or bra, (except during your monthly flow, which he must know about) to allow the husband access to her at any time he feels like (NOTE: *All women should note that this is a man's greatest desire in marriage* - especially if he loves the woman)

7. A woman MUST NEVER refuse her husband's romance expect on the grounds of health and prayers. *Even in such cases she must POLITELY and LOVINGLY explain to him*

8. When the husband is shouting, the wife keeps quiet and that is the time to apologize for whatever has upset him. (NOTE: *Apologizing to him after you have shouted back and insulted him DOES NOT WORK!)*

10. The wife should always seek the husband's permission before making any decision except where he has previously granted you the permission on that particular issue

10. A wife should always excuse the husband to the children if he comes home late.

11. Even on a personal matter a wife waits for her husband with her ideas but must take those of her husband when he is back home

12. The wife must never use work in the day as excuse to deny him at night. Let him be the one to say, "Oh, you must be tired after all the stress of the day!" It is best that way.

13. The wife never goes to sit down in her husband's office unless in an urgent case or an emergency. A good husband too will not come and sit in your office.

14. A good wife does not embark on any kind of expenses without consulting the husband *even if it is your own money*. A good husband too will not control your money.

15. The best way to settle  misunderstandings is in the bedroom. If a misunderstanding lingers and he does not make a move in bed, *a good wife should make the move*

16. The wife never refuses to prepare his meals, even if he is refusing to eat due to annoyance. *When he has refused 2 meals, prepare his favorite, with tempting treats*

17. The wife has no orders to give to her husband, but she receives orders from him 

18. *The wife must always  respect the husband*. Next to freedom of access to his wife's body, this is a man's most important concern

19. The wife has to control her jealousy and never show it in public

20. The good wife pays visits to her parents as well as to her in-laws *only* with the permission of the husband. And under normal circumstances, accompanied by the husband

21. A good wife never entertains guests in her home without the husband's knowledge and consent. *Not even your own relations*.

22. NEVER ENTERTAIN *ANY MALE GUEST* WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE. *Not even his own blood brother* He may not talk or complain about some, but be sure he has counted it against you.

23. The wife *never* goes out anywhere without permission from her husband

*NB:*    My dear fellow woman, I want you to know that *THE POWER OF A GOOD WIFE IS IN HER WEAKNESS*. Please,  as stupid as this may sound to you, use it and watch your husband become your lover once again.  This is my secret recipe for a happy marriage and full control of my home. *I did all the above and I was the one running the home; NOT MY HUSBAND!* His love and respect for me was second to none. And I know that's why God has also granted us long life to enjoy each other the more.

*Please feel free to share, for sharing is caring.


An Uncanny Hospitality

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Sunday, 15 October 2017

Playing The Angel's Advocate

Recently, I think I may have received more than my own fair share of, "End Time Messages." And all proclaiming among others;
1. Signs of End Time.
2. 7,000 Churches, Fasting And Praying Over Terrifying New Persecution Law.
3. Russia has banned any form of religion, soon it will be universal.
4. Troubling times for the Church in Russia as the State tries to seal loopholes for anyone to meet Christ.
5. A new law has been signed this week by President Putin stating that, "Foreign guests are not permitted to speak in churches unless they have a "work permit" from Russian authorities."

And I seem not to be able to stop wondering what the worrying is all about, considering that;
1. Since Church, an after thought business product of man that was neither in the Creation of our Universe nor in the creation of any Nation, every Sovereign Nation has the right to decide what and what product/s not to be distributed in her Nation.
2. If in every Nation, a foreigner must need a work permit to practice his trade, why the cry over, "Foreign guests are not permitted to speak in churches unless they have a 'work permit' from Russian authorities?"
3. And if meeting Christ is spiritual, why worry about any proscription of just one of man's business product after thought?


Friday, 13 October 2017

Some Random Facts_20

1. Viagra an make your pee turn blue.
2. Illiteracy and poor vision are related. 3 in 4 illiterate adults failed one or more parts of a vision screening, a report found.
3. In 2012, Google acquired Motorola for around $12.5 billion, only to sell it to Lenovo two years later for just $2.9 billion.
4. After his very first performance, Elvis Presley's manager Jimmy Denny said, "You ain't goin' nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck."
5. TV show, "The Sopranos" was so accurate that when the FBI listened to wiretaps, the real mob would be discussing the show and thought they had somebody on the inside. They couldn't believe how accurate the show was.
6. Sleeping under a weighted blanket can help reduce insomnia and anxiety.
7. Billionaire Howard Hughes bought the small Silver Slipper casino for the sole purpose of moving its trademark neon silver slipper. Visible from Hughes' bedroom, it had apparently kept him awake at night.
8. Olympic medals and the bonuses that the U.S. Olympic Committee awards athletes for landing one of the top spots, all count as taxable income to the IRS.


A Letter From Your Brain

Dear You,

 Yes, I mean you; and I'm your brain. I know you are wondering why I am bothering to write you, when we are always together. The reason is for you to share the hard copies of this good and bad news that I have for you today.

The bad news is to let you know that it's time for a major declutter of me (your brain), which you have over the years filled with countless irrelevant limiting habits and beliefs that have effectively capped my potentials to change our life and world for the better.

The good news is you can upgrade me now, and finally be able to erase all the limiting beliefs, unwanted emotional patterns and the bad disempowering habits of greed, negativity, insensitivity and gullibility that you have knowingly and unknowingly filled me with; that have held us back from earning and enjoying what we rightfully deserve.


Thursday, 12 October 2017

Beware Of Free Gifts

When a man established a Zoo and set the entrance fee at $300, he got no visitors. He then reduced it to $200; but still no one came. And when he then further reduced it to $100, but still no one came, he set the entrance free.

Soon enough, the Zoo was filled with visitors. He then quietly locked the gate, set up an exit fee of $600, and set the lions free. Immediately and without any hesitation, everyone paid the said exit fee.

"May we be granted the grace to appreciate that nothing is free in this world! We pay now, or we pay later!! And if we pay later, we pay with a lot of interests!!!"


Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Quote Of The Day

"Going to church or mosque doesn't make you a Christian or a Moslem, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."

On Thinking About What We Are Thinking About

The other day when we talked about, "The Power Of Thought," we appreciated how easy we could become the products of our thoughts. We also appreciated that our thoughts underlay many of our actions and interactions in understanding their physical and metaphysical origins, and the  processes and effects that  have been longstanding goals in academic disciplines including linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, medicine, arts, biology, sociology and cognitive science.

But how much attention do we pay to thinking about what we are thinking about? How many of us care about what wanders into our minds and find shelter there? Just as we would not be careless to allow every wandering and homeless stranger stay in our homes, we should never be careless with our minds.  which determine what we achieve and amount to in life?

"May we be granted the grace to guard and guide what we are thinking always."

Monday, 9 October 2017

Celebrating Our Greed, Ignorance And Gullibility

Finland has the most stable economy in the world today. And there are less than 20 churches in Finland. 

Switzerland has the second most stable economy in the world. And Switzerland has less than 30 churches.

Denmark is the third most stable economy in the world. And Denmark has about 23 churches in all.

And all the above are countries considered to be largely atheist in nature, but yet so blessed.

But come to Owerri town, SE Nigeria, from MCC junction to Toronto junction, there are 36 churches. That stretch of about 5 km harbours 36 churches, more churches than the entire Switzerland. And between Owerri and Mgbidi, there are more than 97 churches.

According to CAC, Nigeria has over 23,000 registered churches; which means,
* Nigeria has more churches than schools and hospitals combined.
* Nigeria has more pastors than doctors and teachers combined.
* In Nigeria, everyone is born again.
* All Nigerians are covered in the blood of Jesus.
* And all Nigerians are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Yet none of those claims, reflects in the expected moral elevation of the society. We are still one of the greediest, laziest, ignorant, corrupt, deceitful, gullible hypocritical and hateful set of humans on the planet today, with all our Christ and Holy spirit.

"May we be be granted the grace to draw the line between religiosity and spirituality; that all forms of greed, ignorance and gullibility may be abhorred."

Sunday, 8 October 2017

On Sharing Your Secrets

Nothing can be more dangerous and painful than to share your secrets with your enemy thinking they are your friends! So beware with whom you share your plans and secrets about you and your life, because some of those who pose as friends, close acquaintances and relations, and look and appear like lovers and true friends, may just be those that are jealous of who you are and what you stand for. Some could even be agents of the devil herself, planted around you to work against your destiny.

Always look beyond that smile, kisses and sweet tongue, while you are trying to figure out the monster that maybe behind that hug or warm handshake. It is said that, "The enemy that will destroy you, doesn't usually come with a sword but with a smile and or a kiss! You can ask Jesus!!" Also learn from Samson. But all that notwithstanding, there are still some very genuine friends that are friends indeed, though hard to find. And they do exist. May you be granted the grace to find and keep them!

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Stop Surviving

Embrace each and every breath that you are taking, celebrate your life and live it. Don’t die before your death. We all die! We live this one routine of a day for 75 years, and we call it life? No, that is not life. If you’re still thinking why you have been sent here, if you are still juggling with the concept of why you are here, then you haven’t lived yet. You work hard, you make money and you do it for yourself; that’s not life. You go out, you seek for people who need your help, you make their lives better, you become that sponge which can absorb all the negativity and you become that person who can emit beautiful positive vibes, when you realize you have changed someone’s life and because of you this person didn’t give up, that is the day when you live.

Live your life fully, and accept yourself the way you are. Be kind to yourself, be kind to yourself and be kind to yourself; only then can you be kind to others. Love yourself, love yourself and love yourself, that you may be able to spread that love; for you can’t give what you don’t have. Life may be hard, but that only makes you stronger. Never give up. Real happiness doesn’t lie in money, success or fame. Real happiness lies in gratitude, so be grateful, be alive and live every moment. Thanks for sharing, for sharing is caring.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Some Fashion items that secretly affect your health

It’s surprising to note that certain fashion items that make up our daily look could end up harming our health in so many ways we aren’t aware of. We all know about high heels causing pain to the ankles, nerve, and foot; but do you know that there are certain fashion accessories that look harmless at first glance but are actually capable of causing you harm! Here check them out.

Skinny jeans

Before hopping into that pair of skin-tight jeans, know that they pose a threat to your health. Asides from restricting free movement they also hinder blood circulation, numbness, and pain in the thighs. Instead, opt for a looser fit that will look good on you and make you feel good about yourself!


Almost every male in the white-collar industry use this fashion piece on a daily basis, as useful as it might be in accentuating their corporate outfit there are some cons attached to the consistent use of it. Tight tie knots could reduce blood circulation, cause headaches, tension in the back and shoulders and also limit neck movement.

Extra-large handbags

Carrying an oversized bag surely has its disadvantages, due to all the stuff crammed inside you are bound to experience muscle pain and discomfort from hefting that oversized bag on a single shoulder.

Straight/Pencil skirts

Those straight skirts we ladies seem to love so much does many things in making us feel uncomfortable. For starters, they limit movement then keep our legs too close to each other thereby increasing the chances of tripping while walking. Wearing pencil skirts on a regular basis could lead to muscle strains and knee malformations.